Expression Funerals

Web Design and Content


When web design and content combine

An established funeral home keen on reaching a more discerning clientele embarked on a journey to redefine its brand. In this pursuit, they turned to Hart Design, seeking a fresh identity that would encapsulate their approach in a single word. The result? “Expression.”

Our collaboration began with creating a captivating logo design that encapsulated the essence of Expression Funerals. Building upon this newfound identity, we have embarked on an exciting venture, transforming it into a holistic web design and content creation project.

Harnessing the Power of WordPress

Elevating Web Design
and SEO

When it comes to crafting modern web design, WordPress stands as our preferred platform of choice. By harnessing the capabilities of a high-quality theme and infusing our creative insights, we create websites that are meticulously aligned with your target audience’s needs and preferences.

WordPress inherently excels in the realm of SEO, yet realising its full potential requires a touch of expertise. This is where our SEO Fundamentals approach comes into play, an integral part of every website we build.

Our SEO Fundamentals approach is a two-pronged strategy:

Keyword Precision: We diligently curate keywords that serve as the connective thread between your audience and your website. These strategic keywords are pivotal in ensuring your site ranks prominently in relevant search results.

Performance Optimisation: We understand that a swift-loading website not only enhances the user experience but also garners favour with search engine algorithms. By fine-tuning your site’s performance, we elevate WordPress’s innate SEO capabilities to an entirely new level.

In essence, WordPress provides a robust foundation for contemporary web design, and our creative expertise takes it to the next level. With the inclusion of our SEO Fundamentals approach, we ensure your website not only captivates your audience but also achieves remarkable visibility in search engine rankings. Experience the transformative power of WordPress coupled with our tailored SEO approach for online success like never before.

Web Design and Content Creation

Content-Driven Web
Design Enhancement

Completing a web design project without content is like building a house without furniture—it’s incomplete. In today’s digital landscape, content and web design are inseparable. That’s why, at Hart Design, we offer an all-inclusive web design service that covers every aspect, including content creation.

Our Comprehensive Approach: We take pride in providing clients with a holistic solution that encompasses copywriting, photography, and video production, all handled in-house. This approach streamlines the process, making it hassle-free for clients lacking the time or expertise to produce the essential materials required to bring their website to life.

For instance, with Expression Funerals, we transformed their notes into 3,000 words spread across their website. But it doesn’t end there—our SEO expertise ensures this content not only informs but also supports strong search engine rankings, enhancing online visibility.

Visual Storytelling: We understand that visuals are just as crucial as words. For Expression Funerals, we’ve encapsulated the essence of traditional funeral services through captivating photography. High-quality images that showcase your business in action breathe life into your website, making it resonate with your audience.

To delve deeper into the symbiotic relationship between web design and content creation, explore our article, “What is web design without content.” At Hart Design, we believe that true excellence in web design can only be achieved when design and content come together seamlessly.

Strategies for Future Success

Using Case Studies to
Boost Your Website

As we look ahead, having successfully positioned Expression Funerals through our web design and content efforts, our focus now turns to the future. Our mission is to illustrate the practice of traditional funerals vividly.

Addressing the Challenge: Navigating the sensitive subject of traditional funerals, our challenge is to demonstrate Expression’s approach with real-world examples.

Case studies become a natural extension of our services, where theory meets reality. They are instrumental in achieving a successful website design for several reasons:

Enhanced Understanding: Case studies clarify Expression Funerals’ offerings, differentiating them from competitors.
Building Trust: By showcasing customer success stories, we build confidence in new leads.
SEO Benefits: Case studies add keyword-rich content to your website, enhancing its search engine visibility.
Content Fuel: Fresh case studies provide content for social media and email marketing, reconnecting your brand with followers and maintaining top-of-mind awareness.

Real-world case studies are the next phase in our partnership with Expression Funerals, solidifying their online presence and creating stronger connections with their audience.

From the logo design to website, Hart Design gives us a wow factor each and every time. Working with the guys to produce our content has led to continuing growth in our businesses and we are more than happy to recommend their work.

Oliver Davey, Senior Funeral Director

Web Design and Content Excellence

How will you choose your next web design company? If a cheap price motivates you, then you’ll always find a web developer that’s cheaper than the last one. However, if you’re more driven to achieve a successful website, consider all the elements that go into web design. Uniquely, Hart Design is a truly turn-key web designer in Auckland. In providing content creation services combined with effective SEO practices and a creative eye for web design, we’re developing websites that are built for long-term success.

Thorn Law