
Website Redesign

For Software Innovator

Website redesigned for a global audience

Blackhawk is an innovative software developer geared towards machinery dealers and companies where asset management is critical. The company came to Hart Design looking to elevate their website design and partner with us to provide ongoing digital marketing services. Well established locally, and with connections around the globe, Blackhawk is seeking to strengthen their foothold in New Zealand before making a concerted push into overseas markets. Hart Design has proven to be the ideal Auckland web developer and marketing agency to help them achieve their goals.

WordPress Website Redesign

Blackhawk Has
Much to Say

The website design that Blackhawk had built by their previous web developer was uninspiring. Despite being a relatively recent build, the design looked dated, lifeless and unengaging. The reliance on overly-familiar stock photography was a big part of the site’s design problems. Hart Design provided a complete website redesign using WordPress – our preferred web design platform. A bold use of colour and imagery has helped elevate the new Blackhawk website to a modern, captivating standard.

We have lent heavily into Blackhawk’s intrinsic mobile connectivity with the stylised graphics employed throughout the site. Blackhawk has much to say, and these graphics help to tell their story at a glance.

Digital Marketing Plan


Blackhawk relies on Hart Design as their digital marketing partner to help them maintain momentum as they march towards their international aspirations. Hart Design offers access to virtually all of our services on a priority basis for those subscribed to a digital marketing plan. For Blackhawk, this means a continued drive to improve and expand upon their website as they launch new products and resources to their clients. As well as creating new website pages, our creative team is crafting unique imagery and marketing collateral to support Blackhawk’s sales team. We have redesigned print collateral, as well as their email newsletter.

Working With Hubspot

The Engine that
Powers their Sales

Like ourselves, Blackhawk harnesses Hubspot as the engine that powers their sales funnel. Happily, Hubspot and WordPress play together very nicely. There is an official Hubspot plugin for WordPress that makes connecting the two platforms seamless. We have built various forms within Hubspot that are deployed on the WordPress website. Leads captured are ported directly into the Hubspot CRM, where automations can be configured to move data along the buyer’s journey. We also put together Blackhawk’s EDM campaigns through Hubspot.

I’ve worked with Hart Design for more than 20 years across multiple businesses. They’re the best, most reliable design agency I have worked with. Highly recommended.

Adrian Duigan, Head of Product Marketing – Blackhawk

Creative collaboration beyond website design

Many Auckland web designers look to shoehorn your text and those tired, garden variety stock photos into a formulaic website template. We desire to build websites that provide a true reflection of a company’s values and product offering. Then, we’re by your side as you navigate your continued marketing journey. That’s what makes us different.

Expression Funerals